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The Importance of Well Checks: Ages 0-4

As an adult, you probably don’t visit your care provider as often as you would like. Life is busy so it can be difficult to remember to make time to schedule a checkup. When it comes to your kids, though, do you feel like you want to schedule the appointment, but you aren’t always sure when?

Scheduling appointments for children is of the utmost importance, which is why so many of us often prioritize their checkups over our own. Kids are more at risk to illness, and we all know they’re more prone to accidents. That’s why scheduling regular checkups for your kids is the best way to keep them protected from harm.

For newborns and children four and under, scheduling regular well checks is especially important. This age group is at a higher risk for health concerns because they’re bodies are at critical stages of development. Young children are more prone to infectious diseases, which is why the suggested procedures for care are highly important to follow.

Following the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) suggestions on vaccinations is one of the most important ways to protect your child from birth to age four. During their well checks, from birth through high school, but through the age of four, especially, their care provider will advise you on the best course of vaccinations to help protect them from harm.

While there is a lot of information on social media about vaccinations, it is always better to trust the tested advice of healthcare providers and the CDC. If you have concerns or questions about vaccinations, talk to your child’s healthcare provider. They’ll be able to address your questions and concerns and help you become better informed about vaccines.

Aside from vaccinations, however, well checks for children from birth to age four provide the necessary opportunity to have their general health and development assessed. Since those ages are key to healthy development, your child’s care provider will assess the development of their anatomy to make sure they are growing healthily.

During your child’s well check, their care provider will examine them from head to toe, making sure they are developing normally. They will assess your child’s:

  • Head
  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Mouth
  • Skin
  • Heart and Lungs
  • Abdomen
  • Hips and Legs

In order to properly help your child grow up healthy, well checks are a necessary component of your child’s care. Scheduling regular appointments with their care provider is the best way to keep them healthy, as these checkups are the best line of defense when it comes to catching potential health concerns.

Children are more prone to illnesses and accidents, which is why regular well checks are so important for them.

Learn when to schedule appointments for your child!


Aside from vaccinations and physical examinations, though, well checks offer other benefits for your child. Well checks provide your child’s healthcare provider with the opportunity to get to know your child better, which will create a more knowledgeable relationship between them that will lead to better care in the future. Scheduling your child for regular well checks is the best way to keep your child healthy now and in the future.

If it’s been a while since your child has seen their doctor, contact Yankton Medical Clinic to set up an appointment. These simple office visits can make the difference in a child’s wellbeing, especially when they’re at a critical stage in their development. Set your child up for a bright, healthy future by scheduling them an appointment today!

It’s easy to forget to set up checkups for ourselves, but scheduling appointments for children is important to not overlook. Regular well checks are critical to the wellbeing of children, especially during critical stages of their development, such as when they are first born and through their fourth birthday. Well checks provide your child with the care they need to stay up to date with their vaccinations and to assess their development.